The Inconsequential Public – development at any cost is flawed

To the Editor:
The complete CCV project was presented to council by private developers. The community was excluded despite the beach being a’public’ beach.  According to the oft championed Waterfront Master Plan, this three year in-depth study of our waterways page 14 #3 states that beach users should have been the first responders to any beach development. This critical step, ignored by council, would have erased the present controversy.
The complete CCV project was presented to council with no public consultation.
Waterfront Concept Design Plan 15 3.1. “From project initiation and engaging members of the community in productive dialogue. This process is premised on a ‘whole team approach’ that fostered a sense of community ownership.”  After the fact speeches to council with no engagement is NOT consultation!
The CCV location was moved from the community chosen location to a recognized floodplain.
The Waterfront Concept Design Plan (39 4.4) the ‘community’ chosen development area was to be at the corner of Elgin and Harbour St.
Such a controversial issue has been met with an all inclusive ‘wall of silence’ from you at council meetings.
“Accountability and transparency is one of council’s roles under section 224 of the Municipal Act.”
95% said No to a 300 seat conference centre on the beach town survey. It is still in the plans. EXPLAIN this!
Municipal Act. “It is the role of council to represent the public.” 
Challenging the SVCA to build on a floodplain, using $13,000 of community funds so far, clearly defines your contempt for this environmental watch dog and the tax payers of this community.  Purposely trying to mislead the SVCA authority (promenade damage) is an unbelievable embarrassment for this community! Accountability is a priority in maintaining public trust.” (Section 224 of the Municipal Act).
ignoring your Strategic Plan (Hazard policies) and doing this after the lease signing points directly at your administration’s accountability and you for agreeing.
Hazard Policies from section 2.8.1 of the Official Plan. “It is a goal of this plan to direct development away from hazardous areas such as floodplains, etc.”
Council’s blind eye cannot refute reality. a) Day after day the beach is full.                 b) Saugeen Shores has fast tracked to rapid growth. c) You have ignored an in-depth analysis of potential parking problems. How do you disprove proven facts that will result in less space for more people?
Individually you are dedicated and good people. Collectively on the CCV issue, your rage to develop at any cost, is seriously flawed.
Wayne McGrath
Port Elgin