Chantry Centre Christmas Craft Show


Despite a cold, blustery day of snow squalls, the Artisans Christmas Craft at the Chantry Centre went ahead as planned on Saturday, November 19th (2022) with approximately 40 vendors offering a wide variety of items.

Many people headed first for the baked goods and then continue their early Christmas shopping.  From crocheted hats to hand-thrown pottery, wood-turned bowls to vintage jewelry and bath soaps to hand-knitted Alpaca items, there was something for everyone.

By 11:00 a.m. the Centre was filled with eager shoppers looking for specialty items.

Shoppers crowded in
     Organizer Deb Kaufman – for larger view,                                Click on Image
             Sybil Mercer and Marilyn Euseden had a table filled with hand-crafted items and more
Vicki Tomori of the Marine Heritage Society sold tickets and Chantry Island tour      base souvenirs and hosted the launch of the new book ‘We Were Here’ by                                                            Mike Sterling