Each year, volunteer firefighters in Saugeen Shores hold a food drive for the local Food Bank and, each year, the community continues to support the effort ‘big time’.
This year, was no exception, as the firefighters were out in force at Southampton Foodland, Rowland’s Independent Grocer and Wal-Mart in Port Elgin.

Rob Atkinson, Saugeen Shores Fire Prevention Officer, said that the community continues to “come through every year and, this year, once again exceeded expectations”.

In 2017, 2,387 lbs. of food and $2,457 in cash were collected. This year, (2018) 2,795.5 lbs. of food and $2,743.15 were collected. Every item collected is weighed by Salvation Army Food Bank volunteers and every penny is counted.

“We can’t thank the local businesses of Southampton Foodland, Rowland’s Independent and Wal-Mart enough for letting us set up for this very important effort as we head into the Christmas season,” says Atkinson, “and we can’t thank the community enough that always comes through for those less fortunate. It’s an amazing community.”