The fourth annual ‘Light the Way’ Radiothon in support of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) on Thursday, December 12th, was a marathon of impromptu as 98theBeach radio personalities kept up a 12-hour-long patter of talk and music flowing while asking for pledges and having guests come on-air.
It was non-stop excitement as people phoned in their pledges or dropped by the radio station with cheques and cash and had the opportunity to talk live on radio, sing and, generally, join in the fun.
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The 12-hour day was to raise funds for the local hospital and its equipment needs that are not funded by the province. The goal this year was to raise $80,000 and, once again, the community broke the record raising $90,294, with donations still being accepted until December 31st.

From individual pledges of $20 to those in the thousands, every dollar raised goes toward the local hospital. Executive Director of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation, Tracy Murray, said that the Foundation and its Board Members were again blown away by the final numbers of this year’s radiothon. “We shouldn’t have been surprised. The people of Saugeen Shores and the surrounding communities have been overwhelmingly supportive of the Foundation over the years. We are so grateful to live and work within this community where the people believe in and support the need for the best possible local healthcare so strongly.”

“The Foundation also thanks the many volunteers who gave their time and helped out during the radiothon. In addition, Tim Hortons, Lord Elgin Fish and Chips and Queens Bar and Grill were again generous with providing food to keep the staff and volunteers energized through the 12-hour event,” said Murray. “An extra special thank you goes out to each and every person and business that called in or dropped into the radio station during the radiothon to donate. The community is simply amazing.”
Only some of the large donations that came in
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Something new this year, was the Health Care Lottery of extra prizes that raised more than $15,000. The Grand Prize of $10,000 in cash went to Southampton’s Jayce Dunlop; Patti Langendoer of Southampton won the $1,000 Canadian Tire Shopping Spree, while Len Clewett won the Square Deal Neil’s Maytag washing machine/drier duo. Last, but not least, a Caribbean cruise, sponsored by Destination Unlimited Travel was won by ‘Potsey’ Seaman, thought to be the name of a lucky family canine.

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