Each year, the Reindeer Romp sets out to raise funds for Mental Health and, this year, it was again difficult due to COVID and having to Romp virtually.
Given how the pandemic has created an increase in mental health issues, the goals in 2020 and 2021 were to raise $2,000 for Bruce Shoreline, Southampton, the local branch of the Grey Bruce Mental Health Association. When the Romps were ‘in person’ the fundraising goals were met however, turning to virtual, has not proven to be as successful.
“The Christmas Eve 17th Annual Reindeer Romp, turned 2nd Annual Virtual Romp, for mental health is short $250,” says co-organizer Geordie Farrell, “but we are still accepting donations and, hopefully, by the end of January our goal will be met. The latest Ontario lockdown measures are going to once again create anxiety and stress in one of our most vulnerable populations – those suffering with mental health issues.”
“If you would like to share and donate to Bruce Shoreline, , your generosity would be greatly appreciated,” adds co-organizer, Holly Vanderzwet. “No amount is too small. PLEASE HELP by donating to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/38963.”
[Under FUND select “Bruce Shoreline, Southampton, Ontario (Reindeer Romp 2021)”. Tax receipts are automatically issued and sent via email.]