Saugeen First Nation – COVID outbreak update July 1, 2021

Saugeen First Nation Band Councillor Melissa Snowdon issued a recent statement on July 1st to update the community on the status of its recent COVID-19 and variants outbreak.

According to Snowdon, there are now 74 identified confirmed cases four of which are hospitalized.  Of the 74 cases, 71 are not vaccinated.

Working with Public Health and other organizations, Saugeen Council under a state of emergency has issued a ‘stay at home’ order.  In addition, all band services and businesses are to be closed for a period of two weeks.  At the end of the two-week period of enforced closures, a re-assessment will be undertaken to determine if the closure will be lifted or re-extended.

Saugeen is holding a mass immunization clinic on July 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Saugeen Health Centre.  It will be a drive-through clinic at the tent on Mason Dr. or, for those without a vehicle, it will be a walk-through clinic.

Snowdon says that Council is strongly urging everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible by attending the clinic.

Isolation centres are also being set up along with a food distribution centre.  In addition to volunteers, the Red Cross is deploying a team expected to arrive on Sunday, July 4th.