Saugeen Shores Tourist Camps get set to open

Saugeen Shores Tourist Camps have been closed due to COVID-19 but are now getting set to open in Southampton and Port Elgin on May 1st under specific regulations as the provincial Stay-at-Home order stays in place until May 20th.

                                          Southampton Tourist Camp

Common amenities such as washrooms and showers will remain closed and, in addition, the main offices are closed to the public as is the Lakeview Ball Diamond and horseshoe pits.  The Port Elgin Boat Storage area will be open for pick-up and go only but no gathering is allowed.

Under the provincial Re-opening Ontario Act, Section 26. (1) Seasonal campgrounds that meet the following conditions can re-open:

1. Campsites must be made available only for trailers and recreational vehicles that, i. are used by individuals who are in need of housing, or ii. are permitted to be there by the terms of a full season contract.
2. Only campsites with electricity, water service and facilities for sewage disposal may be provided for use.
3. All recreational facilities in the campground and all other shared facilities in the campground, other than washrooms and showers, must be closed.
4. Other areas of the seasonal campground must be closed to the general public and must only be opened for the purpose of preparing the seasonal campground for reopening.

The Stay-at-Home order says that travelling is allowed to another residence of the individual if …

i. the individual intends to be at the residence for less than 24 hours and is attending for one of the purposes set out in this Order, or
ii. the individual intends to reside at the residence for at least 14 days.

As the camp grounds open, all physical distancing rules and gathering limits apply and only registered campers will be allowed and no visitors permitted.

For any questions or concerns, contact or call 519-832-2512.