Ball hockey a fast growing sport in Saugeen Shores for the very young

Every night throughout the week at the Plex in Port Elgin, the arena floor is abuzz with tots to teens learning to play ball hockey.

From the early age of three to 13, the sport has continued to grow in numbers.  Organizer Jeff Carr says that there are now almost 400 players.  “It’s co-ed and it’s fun,” says Carr, “but we couldn’t do it without the coaches and volunteers.  We have 28 coaches along with assistant coaches and parents who come out.”

            Three and four-year-olds listen to instructions

Carr points out that, while ice hockey is expensive when it comes to equipment, for ball hockey all that’s required is a helmet, stick and running shoes.  “We provide the shirts thanks to the sponsorship of kNk Lawn Care, nets and whatever else is needed.”

         Volunteer Keri Martindale helps with some direction