Generous customers help send kids to camp


Southampton Tim Horton’s welcomed Southampton Rotary Club on July 17th (2024) for the 50th anniversary of ‘send a kid’ to Camp Day.

The Club held a BBQ where Rotary members and VPI  employees flipped 125 burgers and 60 hot dogs bringing in $965 for the Tim Horton’s Foundation.

In addition, Police Chaplain, David Baker and daughter Sarah were at the drive-through where Tim Horton customers generously donated $760 as they passed through.  “It always amazes me how generous this community is,” said Chaplain Baker, ‘especially, it seems, when it comes to anything youth related.”

As part of the community coming together, Southampton Foodland owner, Martino Catalano once gain donated the food for the BBQ.

Dave Falconer, Tim Horton’s foundation champion and local franchise owner, and huge community supporter, said that, “Camp Day is always one of the highlights of the year.  Anything we can do to help kids who might not otherwise have the chance to go to a summer camp is important and this community always comes through.”

           Tim Horton owner Dave Falconer in his ‘summer chapeau’

For more information on Tim Horton’s camps, visit