Two blocks of sidewalk is all that is needed says reader

To the Editor:

This is a letter written to all Saugeen Shores elected Officials.

September brings with it the renewal of a major street congestion between 2 elementary  schools in the Port Elgin portion of Saugeen Shores.
Just before the previous election, a councillor was clear about the safety of residents being a priority! I have written to two councillors including Rachel Stack of my concerns here on Kaake Street.
We have no sidewalks for so many families who walk their children to and from school. Traffic parks on both sides of the street, between Gustavus, and Catherine. Buses drivers then make their way between these parked cars at the same time as residents manoeuvre their families, in strollers, and/or with dogs through the narrow corridor.
Please address this situation before someone is hurt. God forbid a child is hit going to or from school.
You have the responsibility to reduce the risk of injury, and a simple solution of two blocks of sidewalk would likely mitigate the risk.
Thank you in advance for addressing this issue.
Richard Mommersteeg
558 Kaake St. SaugeenShores